Thursday 23 May 2019

Thurs 23 May  - Ragusa
We're only half way through today but I must share Ragusa with you. This city suffered a massive earthquake in 1693 which wiped out half its population. It has been  rebuilt in Baroque style and consists of two cities, Upper and Lower Ragusa built on two mountains. It is upper Ragusa Ibla which is the UNESCO world Heritage site . Ragusa is a very wealthy area with a population of 73,000. It derives its income from Agricilture and tourism. It has its own University
and becomes a movie set every spring for the filming of a popular detective series (which I gave not heard of).
Our local guide Barbara introduced us to the beautiful Giardini Iblei gardens from which we could clearly see the two cities with the wide valley in between where the main dividing river runs. The impressive driveway is lined with imposing palms trees brought over from Africa.
In Ragusa they breed unique red cows which produce the milk from which locals make the famed Formaggi Siciliani cheeses. Also the best wine in all of Italy, Docg is made in Ragusa.  Much to my delight they offer gluten free pizzas  (for 2 euros extra) so I was able to experience my first Sicilian fruit pizza with a glass of local Chardonnay.  However, we did not succumb  to the Canola Ragusa.  We are still recovering from our Gelato Supremo from Caltagirone yesterday.
Perhaps the highlight for us was the documentary film shown at a theatre which took us through the charm of the Ragusa area, through intense and spectacular images. It was a 30min film making us far more aware of the history and cultural importance of the area.
My tour of this magnificent city ended in spectacular fashion with the arrival of a large, multi-legged flying insect which arrived down my v-necked T shirt to settle inside my bra at the bottom.  Nothing for it but to hold the bus while I rushed off to a nearby bagnio in order to strip off and release the monster. Very entertaining for my fellow travellers. Fortunately said flying beast did not bite.

1 comment:

  1. Wow - sneaky Italian bugs - a variation on the groping Italians stories..... Ragusa sounds lovely - and delicious!
