Tuesday 17 July 2018

July 17th: Vadsbro
Today Lawrence drove us 120km south to the famed Linkoping Aviation Museum. We were there with our noses pressed to the door at the 10.00am opening. The exhibits were magnificently displayed with information about each in Swedish and English but of course Peter knows so much more about each so Ashleigh and Lawrence were thrilled with their tour guide. Usually I follow behind making sure that I keep out of the way of the photos. However, this time I discovered a large exhibition hall entitled Animals and War. And that was where I remained until lunchtime. Inevitably many of the accounts were horrific like details of the 6 million horses killed in WWI, but much was devoted to the training of animals, birds, rats, dogs, porpoises, bees, gloworms even to assist men in battle. And of course, we know of the heart-warming stories of extraordinary animals soldiers took with them through battle. Eg Winnie the bear who has been immortalized in AA Milne's stories. I didn't know about Helene the stork, or the Caiman alligator or Bertie the bulldog. All the creatures recorded in this section were awarded high military honors for their contribution and heroism.

Of course Peter was delighted to have me so enthralled and gainfully employed in my own collection of photos. There was a large cafeteria attached to the museum and the wide range of options included wild boar meatballs and the creamed potatoes in which this country excels. The meals included a range of self -service salads, great slabs of rye bread, an irresistible selection of cakes and steaming cups of coffee. Everybody here is twice the size of us in build and obviously preparing for the winter months that lie ahead.

After inspecting the vast downstairs exhibition of the DC3 that was shot down by the Russians in 1952, Peter was happy to let me have my shopping fix in the town nearby while Lawrence managed a haircut. Ashleigh and Marika had driven to the museum in their well appointed campervan so they continued on their holiday while the 3 of us were happy and content to drive back to the farm and eat the left-overs from the party Marika prepared last night.

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